Tuesday, May 4, 2010

My Grandaughter Turned 13...and I Was Her Present!

My granddaughter turned 13 and I got to be her present.....

...imagine that....
....imagine that a 13 year old would find that wonderful.

It was a very well kept secret...my traveling to Spokane to join the family as they prepared for a 12K race. I arrived on Saturday, May 1st...Kalie's Birthday. She had no idea I was coming. It was at first a surprise to Sydney as Casey brought her along to meet me at the airport. Her little face lit up with joy....I attempted to capture it in a photo.

We met the rest of the group at a Burrito restaurant. As I rounded the back of the vehicle we, Kalie and I, came face to face.......her face blank for a second...until recognition set in.....then she squealed "Gramma!" I simply said.."Happy Birthday!" A delightful moment as all of the anticipation and planning came to fruition.

The city of Spokane was filled to over-flowing with potential runners ...everywhere...anticipating the next day's race. 50,000 participants expected. We had made provision in advance for the motel room at a Marriot. The motel was located next to the river which was located next to the "River Walk"which led to the park and downtown Spokane. Breathtakingly beautiful!

I fell in love with downtown Spokane...it was vaguely reminiscent of London. Enclosed bridges over the streets, old buildings, people outside walking in the brisk, windy weather. I did not see the red, double decker buses, however.

Let the shopping Begin!

Kalie and I shopped until we dropped (well , until Gramahuny dropped). Kalie had come with her own birthday money...she found a beautiful dress, new earrings... we stopped briefly for something to eat at the food court, enjoyed a restful moment at Starbucks....

And then...the most fun of all! The Melting Pot!

Have you never been to the Melting Pot? It is a decadent treat....experience....of life. A fondue pot is filled with cookies and cream...dark chocolate...and heated until all "melty"...and luscious.

We were provided strawberries, bananas, brownie bites, cheesecake.....and other special morsels fit for dipping in chocolate.

Kalie's eyes were so full of joy...and I kept hearing "Thank you, Gramma...this is so awesome!" We were intent on enjoying every last "smear" of chocolate from the pot....even scooping it out with our forks. I was sure, at the end of it, that I would never eat chocolate again!!

Finally...we were back at our room....which Gramma was so ready to see. The bed looked terribly inviting...piled with pillows and blankets. Kalie turned on the TV and said "let's watch a movie"! Oh...but I am so tired...I know when my head and body finally snuggle into the bedding...I will be fast asleep. She watched Avatar.....I saw nothing! Sweet sleep.

Gratitude reigns in my heart and soul once more.........



What a happy post. I can so imagine this as my girls adored my mom. And you were in my favorite city.

Lacey said...

i'm happy you all had a good time! i love spokane too- that's where i was born and half of my family still live there... and i miss mccall. jealous of you!
kalie looks so beautiful- she's a young woman now, gosh!
love you, can't wait til we can see you again