Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Feelin' so Earthy.......

My Garden of Eden...

God gave me a beautiful yard...some plants came with the yard...others were planted by me. I have just finished harvesting cherries, freezing as many as I could before they were over ripe.

The squash over -run the garden......there is spaghetti squash, acorn squash, yellow squash, zuchinni squash. So yummy.

I planted a peach tree. Last year there were only five, gorgeous, juicy peaches. This year my tree is loaded with much so that I needed to prune it. It distressed me to remove ANY of the fruit. They will be ready for harvest soon...

Herbs is so satisfying, somehow, to walk out the door when a recipe calls for thyme, basil or cilantro...and cut what I need for the menu.

Spinach , chard, bell peppers...and not pictured ...tomatoes. Could it be more convenient, healthy or economical?

Yesterday I discovered that I am growing guava! It's little white blossoms can be used in a delightfully sweet. It's fruit is full of calcium and vitamin C. I have no idea of knowing when they are ripe.

A special gift is the grape vine that has climbed over the fence from my neighbor's home and is draping itself across MY fence. So wonderful...heavily laden with beautiful grapes.

I feel more a part of the earth....that I am supplied on a daily basis with more than I need. My garden runneth over........gratitude runs over, as well.

1 comment:


I want to cook at your house, Debi. That is an amazing crop and nothing taste better then right from the garden. Have fun.