Saturday, April 10, 2010

I started my blog again.

I seem to have this insatiable desire to communicate. I was in a small town near the beach one day and there were musicians on the sidewalks...some singing, some playing guitars, some even dancing. I wondered what provoked these people to get up in the morning and go down to the sidewalks and "perform". And did they really think anyone would listen....and werent they a bit embarrassed to put themselves "out there"...for the scrutiny of others? There seemed to be a compulsion to share with others what was deeply passionate to them...even if we didnt care....even if we didnt think them especially talented.

I concluded that I am not all that different from them. I am a compulsive communicator...there it confession. Maybe that is why I am attracted to facebook. The exchanges are entertaining and often thought provoking. And I am also, with all the rest, putting myself "out there"...for the scrutiny of others.....especially the honest feedback from my dear friend , Valerie. And I probably have more than once embarrassed my kids. I love words and thoughts and ideas.......I love feedback. I am energized through the exchange.

My Dreams......that's what I have.....Dreams. Visions...ideas...goals........grand plans....His plans. I do not desire to waste a moment of life. My life, your life, our lives.....are a story in which we live and breathe and move about. The story doesnt have a title or an ending......until it ends...until our last breath is taken. And since we cannot predict that moment....the chapters flow after page. Only when we glance back, do we see the purposes in those hard, dark chapters. And so the story becomes one of intrigue, of hope, of vision.........but mostly of joy...even in the ashes.

The pages seem to turn so quickly....and I race keep up and to not lose my place. I dont want to miss a thing. Life is exciting!!!

1 comment:


Yahoo, you are blogging again. I truly love reading what you are thinking about.