Sunday, April 18, 2010

We have not taken one step of this journey without them at our sides. we have become sisters in every sense...totally obliterating skin color and race.

We have laughed together, cried together, crossed each new obstacle together...and we have watched God weave His eternal plan....together. Miracle after miracle...we have witnessed it together.

I have to sort of blink my eyes and even pinch myself...asking for a reality check. Has this really happened? Did we spend a week and a half, which feels more like a lifetime, with two African sisters...traveling by foot, by taxi, by bus, by plane...up and down Kenya? Did we actually make this eternal, human bond in Africa?

Thank you, my sisters, for your hospitality, for welcoming us "Karibu sana"...without reservation, into your lives...into your family. Thank you for giving away your time to guide, protect, and "be with us". Thank you for like hearts..Hearts that see disease, hunger, lack. Hearts of compassion and hearts that, through the power and love of to ease the pain of others...even if for only a moment. Together we listened, spoke, fed, held and prayed with others. Love so amazing. And through it we were changed...the world was changed.

I will never forget you.

Susan..such wisdom coupled with the ability to share it gracously and kindly. A fountain of information and instruction...loyal, pure, protective.......possessin
g a true servant's heart.An example of strength and love to every woman alive.

Rosemary..spontaneous, willing to jump into any situation and "set things right", intense and bold. Kindness straight from the heart......and mostly, the first to want to pray in every situation (especially when we missed our plane to the US! ha).

We love your entire family and were blessed to have met them and to know we have a family in Africa.

Mostly, we share one faith, one vision...and that is His. He bound us forever in Him...even if across continents.

I will miss you...we have not been apart in all these days...and now we return to our very different lives. I have no doubt that God will continue to use us together...even while apart..and that this is not the last of it...we will be together again.

Asanti sana!

1 comment:


love love the feet photo.